July 2014: Intranasal Naloxone
/P: In patients with acute opiate overdose
I: Does the use of intranasal (IN) Narcan
C: Compared to parenteral Narcan
O: Provide effective antidotal response and improved safety profile
Kerr D, Kelly AM, Dietze P, Jolley D, Barger B. Randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness and safety of intranasal and intramuscular naloxone for the treatment of suspected heroin overdose. Addiction. 2009 Dec;104(12):2067-74.
Critical Appraisal Answer Key
Kelly AM, Kerr D, Dietze P, Patrick I, Walker T, Koutsogiannis Z. Randomised trial of intranasal versus intramuscular naloxone in prehospital treatment for suspected opioid overdose. Med J Aust. 2005 Jan 3;182(1):24-7.
Critical Appraisal Answer Key
Merlin MA, Saybolt M, Kapitanyan R, Alter SM, Jeges J, Liu J, Calabrese S, Rynn KO, Perritt R, Pryor PW 2nd. Intranasal naloxone delivery is an alternative to intravenous naloxone for opioid overdoses. Am J Emerg Med. 2010 Mar;28(3): 296-303
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